Shell Cove Panorama - 2003
A very beautiful beach at the northern end of
Three Arch Bay, Shell Cove is sheltered by Whale Island on
the south and rugged cliffs to the north. This is a photograph
taken during the winter, when the strong Pacific storms remove
most of the sand from the beach, leaving a very rocky shoreline
behind. During the summer, the sand returns to create a smooth
and warm beach. A great many sea shells wash up and stay in
this cove because it is protected from the southward littoral
drift of the Pacific, while most other beaches are exposed,
allowing the shells to be swept away.
Shell Cove is the picturesque setting for many
films and photo shoots. "Captain Blood",
starring Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHaviland, and Basil Rathbone
was filmed here in 1935, and "Give Us This Night"
starring Gladys Swarthout filmed in 1936.